Rules to protect information about the users of the site «»
1. General provisions

  • 1.1. These Rules are the official document IE "BELEVTSOV B. L." (OGRN entrepreneur: 308770000418382) (hereinafter - Administration), and determine the order of processing and protection of information about individuals who use the services of the Internet site (hereinafter "Website") and its services ("Users").
  • 1.2. the Purpose of these Rules is to ensure adequate protection of information about users, including their personal data from unauthorized access and disclosure.
  • 1.3. Relations associated with the collection, storage, dissemination and protection of information about users of the Website will be governed by these Rules, and other official documents of the Site Administration and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • 1.4. Current version of the Rules, which is a public document, available to any Internet user by clicking on the link The Site administration has the right to amend these Rules. When you make changes in the Rules of the Site Administration shall notify users by posting a new version on the Website on a permanent address not later than 10 days prior to the entry into force of the amendments. The previous edition of the Rules stored in the archive documents of the Site Administration.
  • 1.5. These Rules have been developed and used in accordance with the website terms of use «» posted on the Website at In the event of any conflict between these Rules and other official documents of the Site Administration application subject to these Rules.
  • 1.6. Buying membership, by registering and using the Site, the User agrees with the terms hereof.
  • 1.7. In case the User disagrees with the terms of these Rules, the use of the Site and its services should not be started or stopped immediately.
  • 2. Conditions of use
    • 2.1. Providing services for the use of the Site and its services (hereinafter "Services" Site), Site Administration, acting reasonably and in good faith, believes that User:
      • has all the necessary rights, allowing him to make payments, register and use the Site;
      • specifies accurate information about yourself in the volumes needed to use the Services of the Website;
      • aware that the information on the Website, posted by the User themselves can become available to other Users of the Website and users of the Internet can be copied and distributed by such users;
      • aware that some types of information transmitted to other Users cannot be removed by the User;
      • familiar with these Rules, agrees with them and assume the rights and obligations.
    • 2.2. Site Administration does not verify the accuracy of collected (collect) information about users except when such inspection is necessary for the execution of the Site Administration obligations to the user.

    3. Purpose information processing
    Site administration carries out the processing of information about Users, including their personal data, in order to fulfill the obligations of the Administration of the Website to Users regarding the use of the Site and its services.

    4. The information about users
    • 4.1. Users ' personal data
      the Personal data of Users include:
      • 4.1.1. provided by the Users and the minimum required to register on the Website: name, surname, gender, mobile phone number and/or email address;
      • 4.1.2. provided by the Users using section editing their pages on the Website (including marital status, birth date, hometown, family ties, home address, information about education);
      • 4.1.3. in addition, we provide Users on request of the Administration Site for the execution of the Site Administration obligations to Users arising from the contract on rendering of Services to Customers. The Site administration has the right, in particular, to prompt the User for a copy of the identification document, or another document containing the name, surname, User photo, as well as other additional information, which, at the discretion of the Site Administration will be necessary and sufficient to identify the User, and will allow you to avoid abuse and violation of rights of third parties.
    • 4.2. Other information about Users that are processed by the Site Administration
      Site Administration also handles other information about Users, which includes:
      • 4.2.1. standard data is automatically received by the http server when accessing the Site and the subsequent actions of the User (IP address of the host, type the user's operating system, pages visited by the user);
      • 4.2.2. information automatically collected when you access the Website using cookies);
      • 4.2.3. the information generated by users on the Site outside of the section editing pages (including the status, the records in the microblog ("Wall"), pictures, videos, comments, entries in the group discussion);
      • 4.2.4. information obtained as a result of User actions on the Website (in particular, information about joining the group / out of group, adding other Users to your friends list, photos, acceptance of participation / refusal to participate in meetings, adding videos). This User information may be made available to all friends of the user in the section "My profile" in accordance with user preferences;
      • 4.2.5. information obtained as a result of the actions of other users on the Site (in particular, the marks on the photos and videos other Users).

    5. Processing of information about users
    • 5.1. The processing of personal data carried out on the basis of principles:
      a) the legality of the purposes and means of processing personal data;
      b) good faith;
      b) compliance with the purposes of processing personal data for the purposes specified at the collection of personal data, and authority of the Site Administration;
      c) the amount and nature of personal data, methods of processing of personal data for the purposes of processing personal data;
      d) inadmissibility Association created for incompatible purposes of databases containing personal data.
      • 5.1.1. Terms and purpose of personal data processing
        Site administration carries out the processing of personal data of the user for the execution of an agreement between the Administration of the Site and the User for the provision of Services (§1.2 of the Rules of use «» By virtue of article 6 of the Federal law of 27.07.2006 № 152-FZ "On personal data" separate the user's consent to the processing of personal data is not required. Due p. p. 2 p. 2 of article 22 of the said law, the site Administration has the right to process personal data without notifying the authorized body for the protection of the rights of subjects of personal data.
      • 5.1.2. Collect personal data
        Collect personal data of the User is carried out on the Website if you pay for the actual fare during registration, as well as in the future when the user does not make on its own initiative for more information about yourself using the tools of the Site.
        Personal data provided by p. 4.1.1. these Rules are provided by the User and are minimally required at registration.
        Personal data provided by p. 4.1.2. these Rules, optionally provided by the User on its own initiative, using the tab "edit profile" under "Profile".
      • 5.1.3. Storage and use of personal data
        user's Personal data are stored only on electronic media and processed using automated systems, except when not automated processing of personal data is necessary in connection with the performance requirements of the legislation.
      • 5.1.4. personal data
        Users ' Personal data are not passed to any third party, except as expressly provided in these Rules.
        When specifying the user or with the consent of the user may transfer the user's personal data to third parties-contractors Site Administration with the adoption of such contractors the obligation to ensure the confidentiality of the information received, in particular, when using the application.
        Applications used by users on the Website, hosted and maintained by third parties (developers), which operate independently from the Administration Site and do not act on behalf of, or on behalf of the Administration Site. Users are obliged to familiarise themselves with the terms of service and privacy policy of such third parties (developers) before using the relevant application.
        the actions of such third parties (developers) are governed by the official document of the Administration Site Conditions application hosting.
        the personal data of Users on request of state bodies (local authorities) is carried out in the manner prescribed by law.
      • 5.1.5. Destruction of personal data
        Personal user data will be destroyed if:
        - self-deleting User data from your personal page;
        - self-deleted by its User's personal page using the functionality "Delete profile", available to the User in the "Profile";
        - remove the Site Administration information posted by the User and user's personal page in the cases established by the site Rules «» ( p. p. 6.2.2. and 7.6.).
        In the case of self-delete a User's personal page Site Administration stores on their electronic personal data of the User within 180 days of the removal of the personal page. Personal data will be destroyed upon the expiration of 180 days from the date of removal of the personal page. Before this period expires, the User is entitled to recover his personal page.
    • 5.2. User determines the privacy settings and terms of access to the information specified in PP 4.2.3 - 4.2.5 of these Rules, by appropriate settings. The Site administration has taken technical and organizational measures to ensure the functioning of the relevant tools Site.

    6. The rights and obligations of users
    • 6.1. Users are entitled to:
      • 6.1.1. exercise free free access to information about themselves by uploading their personal pages on the Website using a username and password;
      • 6.1.2. tool for Customers to establish, in relation to information about a desired level of privacy (access to information) in accordance with p. 6.3 hereof;
      • 6.1.3. make changes and corrections to the information on user's personal page on the Website, provided that such changes and patches contain relevant and accurate information;
      • 6.1.4. remove information about yourself from your personal page on the Website;
      • 6.1.5. to demand from the Administration Site Refine their personal data, their blocking or destruction if such data are incomplete, outdated, false, unlawfully obtained or are not necessary for the stated purpose of processing and if it is not possible to independently perform the actions envisaged PP 6.1.3. and 6.1.4. of these Rules;
      • 6.1.6. upon request to receive from the Site Administration information concerning the processing of his personal data.
    • 6.2. Because the Site is a universal tool for communication and finding people with similar interests and Hobbies and the main function of the Website is to restore and maintain relationships with new and old friends in his circle, the following information about the registered User is always available to any registered User of the Website:
      • 6.2.1. name and surname of the User;
      • 6.2.2. date of birth, profile photo, city, name attended or completed higher education institution, year (plan year) of graduation, name of the faculty attended or completed by the User of a higher educational institution and the User account in the microblog ("Wall"), if the User has placed this information on the Website in the section "My profile";
      • 6.2.3. information about subscriptions and subscribers;
      • 6.2.4. user's friends list, except for a limited list of friends that the user chose to hide.
    • 6.3. Configuring user-level privacy information
      • 6.3.1. the user has the right, subject to the restrictions stipulated p. 6.2. these Rules, set in relation to their personal data (§4.1. Rules), and also in relation to the information required under PP 4.2.3. these Rules, one of the following confidence levels:
        a) the information is publicly available to all users of the Website; the
        b) information available to the persons having the online status of the User's friends, as well as persons with the status of their friends;
        in) information is available only to persons who have online status of friends of the user; the
        d) information available only to the User.
      • 6.3.2. In regard to the information stipulated in paragraph 6.2. these Rules, the User may select one of the following confidence levels:
        a) the information is publicly available to all Users of the Site and is not indexed by search engines; the
        C) information available to the persons having the online status of the User's friends, as well as persons with the status of their friends and not indexed by search engines;; the
        b) information is available only to persons who have online status of friends of the user and is not indexed by search engines. the
        d) information available only to the User and is not indexed by search engines.
      • 6.3.3. Site Administration is not responsible for the disclosure of personal data of the User by other Users of the Website who has gained access to such data in accordance with user-selected privacy level.
      • 6.3.4. When you delete personal data (other user information) from the user's personal page or delete user's personal page from the Site, information about the User, other Users have copied or stored by other Users, is stored.
      • 6.3.5. to verify the correctness of the chosen level of privacy, you can use tools Site to see how you can see his personal web page by other Users.

    7. Measures to protect User information
    • 7.1. Site Administration takes technical and organizational measures to protect personal data from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, alteration, blocking, copying, distribution, or other illegal actions.
    • 7.2. To authorize access to the Site, use the username and password of the User. Responsible for the security of this information at your own risk. The user may not transfer its own login and password to third parties, and shall take measures to ensure their privacy.

    8. Limitation of action Rules
    These Rules do not apply to actions and web pages of third parties.

    The Site Administration is not responsible for the actions of third parties that received that result from the use of the services or the Internet Customers access to information about the User in accordance with user-selected level of privacy, for the consequences of use of information, which, due to the nature of the Site, available to any Internet user. The administration of the Site recommends that Users take responsibility for the solution of the question of the amount of information posted on the Website.

    9. User access
    • 9.1. Users may send to the Site Administration of their requests, including requests relating to our use of their personal data, provided by p. 6.1.6 these Rules, in the form of an electronic document signed by a qualified electronic signature in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
    • 9.2. the Request sent by the user must contain the following information:
      • number of the main document certifying the identity of the user or his representative;
      • information about the date of issuance of the document and the issuing authority;
      • details, confirming the participation of the user in relations with the operator (in particular, the sequence number user id or short (podarennoe) the name, replacement serial number id);
      • the signature of the user or his representative.
    • 9.3. Site Administration undertakes to review and direct response to the received user request within 90 days of receipt of the appeal.
    • 9.4. All correspondence received by the Administration of the Site from users (treatment in written or electronic form) refers to restricted information and is not disclosed without the written consent of User. Personal information and other information about the User who initiated the request cannot be without the special consent of the User used otherwise, as to reply on the topic of the received request or in cases directly stipulated by law.
